I made a Booboo today. And I am really feeling sorry for it. It was just a small stupid thing, but those are the things that can lend us the most grief sometimes. It all started with not being awake and letting my tongue speak before my mind had processed. My DH needed help finding some paperwork this morning. No big deal. But this was before I had my coffee, cuz i was sleeping in.
Now DH needs finding paperwork often. That's cuz I am the one who puts it up. And while I do try to put it away in the same spot so he can find it, sometimes it gets laid on the table with other junk and forgotten about. So he asks where is such and such and I tell him the table, 2 seconds later he tells me he does not see it. So I get up, shuffle into the kitchen, and wa la produce said paper work. Now here is where I open mouth and insert foot. I told him he does not think about where things are. Doesn't seem that mean now does it? It probably wasn't even taken that way. But I still feel bad about sending him out on his day with my telling him he doesn't think over a stupid piece of paper. And then I can't help but think about how this was in a way my own fault. After all who didn't put the paper work back? ME. Who let the table get all junky again? ME . Who could have gotten up early or at same time as hubby so that she would have coffee in her system so that she felt like a normal human and thus could function like a normal human? ME. Way to go Amanda.
So there is my lesson for the day. I screw up and say the wrong things. I will try not to let this little incident cannon ball my whole day, but press forward instead. In fact this only goes to show that I really need to finish the filing system I have been meaning to getting around to finishing for a few weeks now. I think that will become today's project!
Have an excellent day everyone!