It has been a crazy month! And I am not sure what exactly has made it crazy. All I know is that I feel it. Anyone else feel like it has been a crazy month? There has been something going on every week and weekend. There have been friends that have come over, friends that I am still expecting. Attempt's to organize my spaces(earlier posts have eluded to this, with the promise of more to come. I am still working on that), which end up being more like me moving my stuff from one side of the room to the other without actual progress being made! I started a new job.
Now the weather is starting to become more and more like spring! I have seen different one's out in their yards, doing the spring work, getting the ground ready for gardens and flowers! Which of course brings to my mind my own need to get out and play in the dirt. I have never seriously done this. What I manage to accomplish this year will be my first legit attempt. So of course now I feel like panicking. What if I do it wrong? I don't know what I am doing! Where on earth am I going to put things? The very thought of it all nearly reduces me to tears!
This week has felt the worst out of the whole month! Maybe it has been because my routine got thrown off. My computer decided it was going to quit! No, not completely die on me, ha that would have been a kindness on its part if it had. If it had just slipped off into computer land and left me with its shell I could have dealt. I would have been sad and a little mad. But then excitement would have over taken me at the thought of getting a new computer, followed of course, by crushing reality at the cost of a new computer. Especially since I am the type that if I have to buy something new I want to do it right. When we are taking about that kind of $$$ I want the best and I want it to last me a really long time! So I can look back and say "hey in the end this only cost me a cent a day"! It sounds cheaper that way. Alas my computer has not done that. In fact most of the functions are working OK. I can go to word doc and type up a letter, poem, the great American novel(Hey I can dream, can't I?). I can edit photos on there to my heart delight. However the one thing I actually want to do, it refuses to do!
What is that one thing you may ask? Ah its to connect to the internet! I have a lot of my routine counting on my computer to do its duty and get me to the internet! You see I brew my self some coffee in the morning, I need to otherwise I look like this. While the coffee is

brewing, I get the computer started and the internet page up. From here I proceed to check on all the blogs I like to follow. Its my version of reading the newspaper, only I get to read what really interests me and makes me happy. Don't get me wrong I want to be informed and try to be so, but really let's admit it the newspaper has a lot of sad and depressing stories and who can take that kind of punishment first thing in the morning? Back to my routine. I have coffee and the blogs. After reading what my fellow bloggers have to say, I turn my attention toward my own blog. I look forward to sitting down and writing what has happened to me over the weekend, what new knitting project I have just started or some other random ideas and thoughts. But I didn't get to do that this week! All because the computer refused to load web pages. That's why it seems like I just fell of the planet this week.
Dear Husband says my computer just needs a good all across the boards systems update, all for the sum of $40 beans! I suppose in comparison that is better than a whole new computer. My fear however is that we spend that money, it doesn't work, leading me to throw the computer under a passerby's truck wheels in a fit of craziness and thus resulting in a non working computer! On the bright side hopefully it works. So I may retain what little sanity I have left.
One thing that has stayed constant thru this whole month has been my knitting. I may have missed an evening or two where I did not get the knitting I wanted to done. However all in all I have been productive. I am making great head way on a hat that I have had sitting on the needles for well over a year(haha pun unintended). That is just too long of a time to have something on the needles. While I console myself and say that I have had ever so many other projects that I have finished, I still think that is too long. There is a scarf in my bucket that has had the same fate and I am so close to finishing it I just need to do it. I admit I am easily distracted. Another pretty yarn and pattern comes along and I am a goner! I have high hopes of

finishing up this hat this weekend! I have already begun the shaping of the crown! The hat is worked in seed stitch thru the whole body, with an inch and a half ribbing on the bottom of the hat. I will have to model it or get my good friend AnnE to model it for me! I think the hat is going to need some flair though. So I am thinking of making up some flowers in pink, red and orange maybe to put on the side. Guess we shall all have to wait and see.
I have also gone and started a new scarf. Ah, what has happened to the Stockholm scarf? Has it been finished and you just happened to miss it? NO. It is currently on hold. I believe I have told the sad tale in a previous post, click
here to read more on that. So while I am waiting to finish up the Stockholm I thought I should get a start on another scarf that I promised to a friend ages ago! I am working with
Kid Merino in a Red Cinnamon color way. Its just gorgeous and so delicate. This is my first time working with super fine lace yarn. I am almost afraid of breaking it right in half. This is going to be a delicious knit I can't wait to see how it is going to turn out.
Further exciting knitting news, I received this in the mail earlier this week! I can't wait to try out my samples. I have only heard good things about this product. I will let you know what I think.
My my look at the time. I have to be off to get the house some what decent for company that is coming in today and staying the weekend. Have a wonderful Friday everyone and a great weekend! I hope this next week is much better, and that I can get my routine back. I would hate for it to be another week before I am on here again!
Till next time,
P.S It has been a month since I started this blog. I think it is going well. I can't wait to say its been a year! Or five years!