How are you doing? I hope all is well.
All has not been well for me. That is why I have been MIA of late. For that I am sorry.
Lately this statement has been true. We have been dealt a few lemons that have made us pucker. Namely with family. Not to long ago we learned that my father in-laws cancer had spread to his bone. He has been so tired and weak of late and its no wonder. Naturally it has us all worried. Worried for him and how life is going to change with this development. Already we have had more responsibility thrust upon us. This has caused my head to spin. There is so much running around to be done, I don't know if I am coming or going anymore.
My crafting has slumped because of all of this. And of course since I haven't been crafting much these last couple of weeks, having something to write about has been a little thin. Never mind that I have not had the time to sit down and write you out something proper. This has been very frustrating to me of course. Crafting of any sort is my outlet. I don't need to tell you other crafters out there how important the stress relief of crafting is. Yet I have not been able to do that. Gee! No wonder I am twitchy here lately!
I know these are things that are a part of life and well I just have to ride the waves I am on. But I needed to share with you what was going on. About why I have been absent. Why I may be spacey and absent quiet a bit. Till I work out a new rhythm that is.
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