Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mid week already???

Good Morning! How was everyone's weekend? I know it seems a little late to be asking that question, with  us being in the middle of the week and already looking forward to the up coming weekend. But I ask it none the less. My weekend went well, busy with all the things that makes ones weekend full. Running errands you didn't get to in the week, having friends over for a laugh. Then my weekend turned into Monday which was manic(yes the Bangles song Manic Monday did come into my head as I typed that!), but had a nice ending(more on that in a min). From Monday I leaped into Tuesday. Where the house demanded I clean it upon the threat of the dust and hair on the floor actually becoming some kind of wooly creature that would try to rule my house and terrorize me at night! I could not have that! By the time that beast was tamed it was time to go off for an appointment and that was my day! I didn't even get in a single stitch of knitting in.  Ooooh, perhaps that is why dealing with today seems so bleary! I didn't have my fiber fix! For those of you who knit you will know what not getting your fiber fix can do to you! Its much like skipping that much needed cup or two of coffee in the morning! No sane person would do it! However it does happen so I am just going to have to deal with it. I now want to share with you some of the little things that happened to me over the past few days. Check out these guys below, I found them on my way home on Saturday from my inlaw's place. They were pretty eager to see who the idiot was standing out in the snow with a camera in her hand taking photos wildly! I like to think this white one is pretty used to this sort of treatment and posed for the shot!

I think the llama's are so cute(I am fairly certain that they are llama's that is what my research has led me to conclude. If anyone knows better, please have a good laugh at my expense and then kindly correct me!) I love that I live in an area where they are raised. I hope to scout out who sells or maybe even gives away some of the wool so I can start on my plans to begin spinning. It just feels like the next step I should take as a knitter!
Also on Saturday a dear friend of mine gave me a surprise gift that brought me delight to no end! She got for me the perfect gift for knitter, besides yarn and needles that is!
A Knitting Stamp set!!! So now I can make little handmade stamped cards to go with my handmade knitted items! I just love it. I have already used it to make up a little tag to go on a scarf that I sent to a friend! If any of you knitters out there would like to have your own beautiful set like this click here. Now come to think of it Saturday was a pretty good day.

On to Monday. or Monday evening to be more exact. I went to my first sit and knit ever. I say my first because I don't count the numerous times I have sat and knitted with my friends whom I know and also knit. I am talking about going where I know no one and the only thing that will bond us initially is our love for yarn! So Monday evening I strolled into the local Barnes and Noble head over to the cafe and grab a tall cinnamon chai tea latte, and head over to where I see the group had gathered. I walked up and started off with a joke, mainly because laughing is how I ease my own tension. I said "Hello my name is Amanda and I have a knitting addiction!" That set them off into a round of giggles. Introductions were made, I took my seat and began to knit. That was it. That was all there was to it!  There was constant chatter all evening! I was not the only new face there either. The group name is called Spinning Yarns: Lit, Knit and Crotchet Club. As the group name suggests we discussed books, what kind we like to read, who were we currently reading. I loved it! There was a mixture of people there, a Librarian, a Math Teacher, a Nurse, mothers, sisters, a book collector. All of us from different walks of life, most of us strangers to the others, yet we sat there chatting like we had been life long friends! I love that the power of knitting can do that. I love that we love knitting and art fibers so much we can not help but want to gather together however often we can and enjoy them together, even wanting to draw others into our fold! My Monday night ended on a very good note. I was elated and plan to join the group again next month when they meet! How about anyone else? Do you have any good, or maybe terrifying stories of the first time you went to your local yarn store for a knit night or joined a knitting circle? I must be off I have a million things to do today! Have a Wonderful Wednesday all you crafters and knitters!

Till next time,


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