Monday, March 12, 2012

You Know You Are a Crazy Knitter When...

  1. Just walking into the Yarn Store and seeing all those vibrant colors and yarn fumes helps calm you down after a stressful day(beer? who needs beer? I have Yarn!)
  2. You watch movies only to see the knitted items a character is wearing!
  3. You watch a movie and then rewind a pause the same spot over and over again trying to figure out the pattern on that cute hat the actress is wearing(I am guilty of this with the movie Life as we Know it. Admit it the hat Katherine Heigl is wearing for about a min in that one scene is adorable)
  4. You have stalked some one in the store because you like the hat/scarf/mittens they are wearing
  5. You have to take at lest three projects with you anywhere, because you never know what you may want to knit. Like its, OK to knit the scarf in the car, but the small baby hat is more suited for walking around the mall with or in the book store. I am this bad about books too! That is why Dear Husband bought me a nook, to help my poor back from breaking from the weight of it all!
  6.  You watch movies because some one is knitting in one of the scenes! 
  7.  You look up famous people who knit(Sarah Jessica Parker, Scarlett Johannsson, Catherine Zet-Jones, Russel Crowe, Julia Roberts, Hilary Swank, Debra Messing, Audrey Hepburn, Katherine Hepburn, Katherine Heigl) and this makes you feel cool because look Hollywood is knitting too!
  8. Then while you are looking up famous people who knit you come across a cool blog where the knitter talks about her knitting and different movies that have knitting in them. Its quiet interesting really. You should check it out!
  9. You can't help but want to read books that center around knitting! SOMEONE is knitting, SOMEWHERE in that book!
  10. Finally you know you are a crazy knitter when you can't help but talk about it ALL the time! That you can find ten things to list about it! So yup I am a crazy knitter!
P.S The winner of my book give away is Kasey! Thanks to all who entered, and keep checking in you never know when another giveaway will happen!

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