Saturday, May 19, 2012

Under the Sea, er Sink?

Hello Everyone,

Here I am with the long awaited post.  Hope you are all having a great start to the weekend. What are your plans?  Today's challenge was Day 5 Under the Sink.  This challenge was relatively simple for me. Yeah! I like that I am getting something simple. In fact I didn't even clean under the sink, because well it is already in pretty good shape. I know there I go again breaking or bending the rules. But I am forming a habit and that's what matters right? 

Instead of doing under the sink. I chose to concentrate on my counter that divides the kitchen and living room. It has become yet another dumping ground for junk to accumulate. Also it has an odd shelf right on the end. They are tiny, no more that two inches in width. Its a hard space to work with. However with a little tweaking I think I may finally have this space in order.  Here is what is looked like before with all the junk surrounding it. All this small stuff didn't seem to have a home. It was starting to encroach upon the area where I do my prep work for meals and baking, making doing either of those things a nightmare. Out all of it came, I wiped everything down and now this is what I have as an end result...

 I love how clean and crisp everything looks now. As you can see from the above photo I found a great use for those shallow shelves on the end of my counter. They hold my cookbooks perfectly, which I love because I am a visual person, so if something is out in the open I am more apt to use it.
Not to long ago I was reading Megan's blog Honey We're Home, on her post about their breakfast bar. I was inspired by what she did, and wanted something similar for myself. I had the zebra tray already along with the little yellow box. I figured why couldn't I put my coffee pot and Coffee bean canister on the tray along with the coffee filters in the yellow box.  I love the way it came together!  The zebra print is clashing a bit with the theme in the kitchen and the new theme in the living room, so I am now in the market for some great coordinating fabric that I can recover the tray with.

That wraps up day 5. Have a great weekend everyone!

Till Next Time,


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