I am back and it feels great! I feel great! I feel like I have been away for forever. This last month has just flown right by me! Did this happen to anyone else? Do you feel like July was just a blip and that was it?
I am back from a little holiday that Dear Husband and I took last week. Boy did we need it. We didn't go far. Just to Glenwood Springs. They have natural hot springs there which are very theraputic! We also went hiking up to Hanging Lake( I will share more on that later). While we were there I had a glorious afternoon catching up on some reading, email responding, and some good old fashioned letter writing(it seems sad that I had to get away on holiday to get to those things. Alas it is what it is). While I was away I thought about my baby blog here.
How I have neglected my blog this month and I feel terrible about that. I didn't want to become among the many that started a blog and then fizzled out. I understand life gets in the way and some balls that we juggle just have to be dropped in order to cope. I really know this one because well thats what happened to me. In my last post I mentioned some of the family drama we have beeen dealing with. Namely my aging inlaws and their declining health. That has been the biggest thing because it has been their life added to our life. Its not more balls we are juggling, we are caring for their needs on top of our own. Its a lot to grasp. And we are keeping our heads above water but it hasn't been easy. It has taken a lot of sacrifice on our part, with more to come I know. I want to commend all those who have taken this route before me. Everyone who cares for an ill loved one is to be commended! Its
a very loving thing to do and one that is no small task.
Getting back to what I was saying, I didn't want to fizzle out on this endevour of mine, although I did feel like I was running dry on ideas. Course I am sure having my mind on doctors visits and no time to work on crafts had something to do with it. Even so I know that dry spells are to be expected. While I was away I made a resolution with myself that I was going to get back on track with blogging. To share my thoughts and concerns no matter how trivial. This is to be a place for me to decompress and de-stress. And to be part of a unique community.
Since everything else in my life has had to go onto a legit schedule and under go planning, I am adding the Blog Baby to that mix. Its the only way its going to get done! So a blog planner of sorts needs to be made up, where I can write down thoughts and ideas and keep everything in one central spot. Oh and it must be pretty! I have been looking at different ideas and reading different bloggers takes on how they keep a blogging planner. My goal is to have my planner in order by the end of this week. I am so happy to be back and excited to get back into crazy craftiness!
Till Next Time,

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