Friday, March 30, 2012

It must be spring!

Hello everyone,

Here it is Friday again! Gee whiz where does the time go? Speaking of time, I know I promised pictures of a certain finished hat by now, but I haven't had the time to model it or even get it modeled and snap pictures of it. So you are just going to have to be kept in suspense!

I believe Spring must finally be here! The days are so warm now, I have every window in the house open and the fans going. Not to mention the greenery I am beginning to see about the place. This reminds me how badly I am in need of getting outside and playing in that dirt!

I could tell Spring fever must have kicked in for me when the other day I began to attack my cupboards. Dear Husband and I like to buy in bulk whenever we can, its cheaper that way. Not initially but in the long run it is! So here not to long ago when he was at the store and I asked him to pick me up some flour, this is what he came home with...
A twenty pound bag of flour. Wow! The amount of cupcakes that can be made just boggles my mind.  I could barely fit it into my small cupboards! I did finally manage to shove it in there but it was a pain to get to.  Plus once it was opened I worried about it spoiling, and  I didn't have any air tight containers. Now I was going to have to go to the store and get some and that wasn't going to make Dear Husband happy because that  was $$ out the window!

Then the old saying "Necessity is the mother of invention" came to me, that and I started to think about what my mom would do(which took me back for a moment. What? Come on how many of you out there are going to admit that you are suddenly becoming your mother and like it right off the bat?) My mom would put extra flour into Ziploc bags and store it in  the freezer till she needed it! Brilliant! And then I remembered I had this guy just laying around waiting to be useful.

I put most of the flour into the freezer and the left over into this cookie can I had. Mmm...I see a future DIY project coming up. Bet you can't guess what it is? To dress up the can of course! Maybe some nice scrapbook paper and a pretty label. Yes I think that will do the trick!

I didn't have time to finish the rest of the pantry cupboard, but I at least cleared up some space by doing the flour.  What about you? What has Spring fever go you doing? Any cool trick you have come across that makes cleaning and organizing easier?

Have a great TGIF and weekend! I hope you get lots of spring stuff done! Gotta run.

Till next time


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